Fulfilling Destiny was founded by Eya Touglo in September 2017. During Eya’s last semester at San Diego State University, she was searching for topic for her persuasive speech. She knew that she wanted to do her speech on homeless women, however she did not know if she wanted to use national or local statistics. She reflected on all of the homeless women she had observed in San Diego, and her passion for women and children. She decided to do her speech on homeless women and feminine hygiene with the feedback she received from her professor.
Unfortunately, in doing her research she did not come across any shelter or organization in San Diego that’s goal was to provide feminine hygiene products for women to help them with their monthly needs. Since she was not able to get enough data for her research for it to be persuasive she ended up doing her speech in other area that is very dear to her: “clean drinking water in developing Countries”.
However, as she ended her undergraduate education the ideas and passions that she had did not leave. She continued to hear her inner voice speaking to her every day after graduation that there is a need for feminine hygiene products for homeless women. Every time she heard that voice, she would tell herself that this idea of providing free feminine hygiene products to homeless women is bigger than herself, and that she neither has the resources nor the time to do anything about the issue.
Nevertheless, it did not stop, and the more she prayed about it, the more she heard that she has the strength, the power, the ability and dedication that can change and impact people’s lives. Giving people a reason to smile has always been one of Eya’s many blessings and she knew that her calling is to work with women and children and be of service to those who otherwise have been ignore and underserve by the society.
Eya is on a mission to help bring Dignity back to all women in need of these important products “Feminine Hygiene Products” these products are a necessity in women’s live.

We are a nonprofit organization striving to support and empower menstruators experiencing homelessness through the distribution of free menstrual products. Our aim is to decrease monthly worries and provide necessary period products for all. With these actions, we hope to empower those in need and help increase menstruators’ self-esteem, one menstruator at a time.
“My hope is to build endless bridges of love by caring and being of service to people in need, so that they in turn when able can be of service to those in need.”
– Eya Massan W. Touglo, Founder.
Our Vision
To create a world where Period is celebrated and period products are available and accessible to all who menstruate.
Spirit Of Service Aware by Interfaith Shelter Network
San Diego Magazine Celebrating Women Aware