Any amount large or small will help keep our vision alive.

Your donations mean the world to us. Here are some ways you can donate:

Make a Donation

Offline Donations:

Give by  Checks

Fulfilling Destiny
P.O. Box 610626
San Jose CA 95161

*All donations are tax-deductible

Donate Products

You can mail your in-kind donation to us:

Here are some items you can donate:

  • Pads
  • Tampons
  • Panty Liners
  • Brand New Underwear
  • Flushable wipes
  • Run donation drives on behalf of Fulfilling destiny
  • Personal Fundraising on Fulfilling Destiny behalf

** SHIP your donations to:

P.O. Box 610626
San Jose, CA 95161


Your $5 help a menstruator maintain her Dignity with our dignity bag!

Our Next Donation Drive

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